May 27, 2008

This Year's Cannes Film Festival!


While film industry people trudged home with boxes of flyers, scripts, movie teasers and name cards to mull over the next blockbuster or cult flick, I’m flying off with a measly three autographs (including Woody Allen’s and Dustin Hoffman’s), a bunch of horrible headshots of celebrities taken from the farthest end of a jam-packed press room, and a couple of realisations.

These people really love their movies. I didn’t catch any of the booing that apparently happens but they do clap at the end. Heck, they even applauded Kung Fu Panda.

As for some insider tips: Gael Garcia Bernal looks like a hobbit, Dustin Hoffman could have a career as a stand-up comic, Woody Allen is some kind of god here in Europe, Angelina Jolie’s lips are really like that, and Shia LeBeouf looks like a kid you could beat up.

There are more to catch up with the story - link

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